Windows 11 early problems and their easy fixes

Microsoft has issued a refreshing new taking on the most widely used operating system in the world, and it’s impressive! The operating system has already been installed in the latest PC and Microsoft also allows users to improve their old OS – Windows 10 – to the latest version. Just like other OS environments, Windows 11 has a part of a small problem that can give you a headache if it is not resolved. Let’s check some of the most commonly reported bug users and how to fix it.

Even if your Windows 10 system qualifies to increase Windows 11, sometimes upgrades are not possible. Microsoft has set a very strict set of requirements such as 1GHz or CPU faster with 2 or more cores on compatible 64-bit processors, GPUs are compatible with DirectX 12 or higher or Safe / Safe Boot System firmware.

If your PC qualifies for Windows 11 upgrades but you can’t do it, the reason is that the operating system continues gradually until mid 2022. If you have not been able to wait to experience a new OS, do clean installation with ISO Windows 11 image files is the safest bet.

Those who do not have a PC / laptop that meets the requirements but think the hardware they have more than enough to run the OS can also install through the ISO file method. However, you will receive a warning that the update of Windows 11 in the future will not be sent. There is a lean possibility that this method for non-obedience devices can damage your PC components, but it is very unlikely.

Another solution to obtain with strict Microsoft requirements is through a small hack. This method is registered on the Microsoft public support page itself and may be safe to follow. Before continuing, back up your system only if there is a southern state.

Now, go to the Windows registry by pressing the “Windows + R” and type “regedit.” In the left hand window panel go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ SETTUP \ MOSETUP” section and right-click to select a new value> DWORD (32-bit). Here you have to edit and rename value for “AlleowupDradesWithunsupportEmpmorcPU” and set the value to 1.

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